Customer Account Group

Customer Account Group Configuration:

Customer master: The customer master record is the basis for all sales transactions as well as deliveries and payments. It maintains the details of the customer in the form of master data. Every customer master is made up with three (3) sections: (A) General data [KNA1 – Table]
    (B) Company code data [KNB1 – Table]
    (C) Sales area data [KNVV – Table]
The customer master partner functions captured into KNPA – Table
The customer master shipping details captured into KNPS – Table
VD01 is the customer record for sales view creation.
XD01 is the central customer master record creation with company code data.

General data section: In general data section data about the customer's personal details like name, address, and telephone numbers is maintained. The customer number, not by the company code or sales area, only identifies this data.

Important fields: KUNNR = Customer number
LAND1 = Country key
NAME1 = Name
NAME2 = Name
ORT1 = City
ANRED = Title
STCEG = VAT registration number

Company code data section: It is only of interest to the accounting department. It includes information on insurance or account management. This data applies to only one company code. In company code data section data about the reconciliation account number, terms of payment, interest calculation indicator, etc that is related to financial accounting maintained.

Important fields: AKONT = Reconciliation account number
ZTERM = Payment terms
Sales area data section: In sales area data section data about the customer sales area like sales, shipping, billing, etc data maintained. It is only of interest to the SD area. It includes the data on pricing or shipping. This data only applies to one sales area and therefore is dependent on the sales structure (sales organization, distribution channel and division)
You would not have different customer numbers if your customer is serviced by more than one company
code. Nor would you have different customer numbers if your customer is serviced by more than one sales organization.
Important fields: VKORG = Sales organization
VTWEG = Distribution Channel
SPART = Division
KALKS = Pricing procedure
KDGRP = Customer group
KONDA = Pricing group
PLTYP = Price list type
INCO1 & 2 = Incoterms
LPRIO = Delivery priority
VSBED = Shipping conditions
WAERS = Currency
KKBER = Credit control area
Account group: FI/CO consultants define account groups for each and every partner function. By using this
account group we can control customer master data by changing or assigning field status to each and every field.
As every customer master is made up with number of fields. Depending upon the partner function and transaction
we assign or change field status to a particular field. Depending upon the field status system prevents the particular
field in the customer master while maintaining the customer master data.
The account group defines what fields are available in the customer master records.
A sold – to – party only needs sales relevant data. However, a sold – to – party can also be created as all
the partner functions. A ship – to – party needs only shipping relevant data, such as unloading points and so on. A
payer is the individual or company who settles the invoices for a service or for delivered goods. The bill – to –
party need only have the basic data such as address and output fields.

Partner functions: In the business every partner while performing business transactions they have to fulfill certain
mandatory functions. They are:
Sold – to – party
Ship – to – party
Bill – to – party
Standard account group Partner functions Description
Sold – to – party
Ship – to – party
Bill – to – party
Who placed the order
Who receives the order
Who receives the invoice
Who settles the bill
Field status: We can assign field status to each and every field.

Number ranges: For every customer master there should be one unique number by which business makes
transactions with a particular customer. By using this unique number the business can identify the customer as a
one-time customer or a permanent customer.
FI/CO consultants define and maintain these number ranges for particular account group. So that system
or end user has to provide a unique number to each and every partner function (customer master). Depending upon
the option that they assign to number range (option is external).
Number key    Number range                        External
01                    100 – 200                    []
02                    201 – 300                    []
03                    301 – 400                    []
04                    401 – 500                    []

FI/CO consultants define account group, number range and assigning number range to account group,
maintaining the data in the company code data section. As SD consultants we have to maintain the data in sales
area data section and general data section.
Standard account group                     Partner functions       Number key Number ranges  External
0001                                        Sold – to – party                      01                                            []
0002                                        Ship – to – party         02                                            []
0003                                        Bill – to – party                        03                                            []
0004                                        Payer                           04                                            []

External: If we did not check external option then system will assigns a number internally from the specified
number range. If we check the external option then the end user has to assign the number.
Define Account Group: Transaction code: OBD2
Financial accounting
Accounts receivable and accounts payable
Customer accounts
Master data
Preparation for creating customer master data
Define account groups with screen layout (customers)
Go to new entries
Specify your account group Ex: Z001
Specify the description Ex: [name] Sold – to – party
Select one time customer if he belongs to one time account customer
Specify output determination procedure
Save and Exit

NOTE: We can specify the output determination procedure in the customer master from where system
automatically proposes output type in the sales document.

Define Number Range: Transaction code: XDN1
Financial accounting
Accounts receivable and accounts payable
Customer accounts
Master data
Preparation for creating customer master data
Create number ranges for customer accounts
Click on change intervals icon
Click on insert intervals icon
Define number range key and number range
Save and Exit

Assign Number range to Customer Account Groups: Transaction code: OBAR
Financial accounting
Accounts receivable and accounts payable
Customer accounts
Master data
Preparation for creating customer master data
Assign number ranges to customer accounts groups
Click on position button
Choose our account group from position button
Specify number range key that we defined in previous step
Save and Exit

Using transaction codes can create customer master: XD01/VDO1. If we used XD01 to create customer master that
customer master is going to be created centrally with specific to company code. That means we should maintain
data in company code data section. If we use VD01 to create customer master that customer master is going to
create with specific to sales area that means we need not to maintain the data in company code data section.


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