1. What is the further Subdivision of a plant?
Ans: The further subdivision of a plant are the storage locations, which allows stocks of materials to be broken down according to predefined criteria such as the location and materials planning aspects. It can also be subdivided into locations and operational areas. They are further subdivided into locations takes geographical criteria into account, operational areas reflects responsibilities for production is also a subdivision.
Ans: The further subdivision of a plant are the storage locations, which allows stocks of materials to be broken down according to predefined criteria such as the location and materials planning aspects. It can also be subdivided into locations and operational areas. They are further subdivided into locations takes geographical criteria into account, operational areas reflects responsibilities for production is also a subdivision.
2. In SD, MM, PP, FI/CO which are the highest organizational units?
Ans: The highest organizational units in SD, MM, PP, FI/CO are: SD: Sales Organization.
Ans: The highest organizational units in SD, MM, PP, FI/CO are: SD: Sales Organization.
- MM: Plant.
- PP: Plant.
- FI: Company Code
- CO: Controlling Area.
3. What is the definition of a Plant according to SAP?
Ans: According to SAP a plant is a place where either material is produced or goods and services provided. Plant is classified into Business Object. In Organizational unit within Logistics, serving to subdivide an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials plan aspects. Coming to the Structure a plant can assume a variety of roles. As a part of maintenance plant, it includes the maintenance objects that are spatially located within this plant. The maintenance tasks that are to be performed are specified within a maintenance planning plant. As a retail or wholesale site, it makes merchandise available for distribution and sale. The plant is the organizational unit for material valuation, according to a rule. For the placement of materials in storage (stock put-away), a storage location is assigned to a plant. The storage location depends on the storage condition and the stock placement situation. The preferred shipping point for a plant is defined as the default shipping point, which depends on the shipping condition and the loading condition. The business area that is responsible for a valuation area is determined as a function of the division. As a rule, a valuation area corresponds to a plant.
4. Define to which organizational element is central in shipping?
Ans: Organizational unit at a fixed location that carries out shipping activities is called Shipping Point. A shipping point could, for instance it can be a company’s mail department or a plant’s rail depot. Each delivery is processed by only one shipping point.
Ans: Organizational unit at a fixed location that carries out shipping activities is called Shipping Point. A shipping point could, for instance it can be a company’s mail department or a plant’s rail depot. Each delivery is processed by only one shipping point.
5. What is Business area and how is it used?
Ans: The costs and revenue according to the business area posted by the system is called as Business Area. It is used in Sales Area if the accounts are to be posted according to sales and Plant Division if the accounts are to be posted according to products. The business area is defined in Customizing for Sales. A unit in an enterprise, grouping product and market combinations as homogeneously as possible for the purpose of developing unified business policy. Business Area according to Financial Accounting (FI) defines that the business area is an organizational unit within financial accounting which represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. Financial accounting transactions can be allocated to a specific business area.
6. What are the views in a material master?
Ans: The views in a material master are Basic data, Additional basic data, Accounting views, MRP views, Purchasing views, Storage views, forecasting views, sales views and in IS Retail there is also a Listing view and POS view.
Ans: The views in a material master are Basic data, Additional basic data, Accounting views, MRP views, Purchasing views, Storage views, forecasting views, sales views and in IS Retail there is also a Listing view and POS view.
7 What is a legacy System and what is cut over strategy?
Ans: Migrating from the existing system on which currently working to the SAP system is called the legacy system. Cut over strategy that depends upon how the organizations design their data load strategies. Normally, it decide the sequence of Data loads for Configuration settings, Master data, Transaction data which follows whom and then it make a copy of the system as a Production system a day before and after checking the successful data loads, you go-live 100% or partial again depending upon organizational setup and policies. Cutover planning is highly site specific. There’s no thumb rule. The stock data as on the date of going live should be correctly entered. But stock being a highly dynamic quantity, the strategy for loading should be crystal clear. Then you have to load all the back dated transaction on the stock. Some stock comes into your plant/storage location as return and some stock is actually delivered to your customer through sales orders of various kinds.
8. In a material master what is the base unit?
Ans: The base unit is a measure which is used as a basis for all the transactions, all movements of quantities will be converted to that base unit of measure which is specific to an article.
9. Briefly explain the internal organizational elements within a sales organization and their function?
Ans: The Geographical aspects of the organization in business development and sales are defined using the term sales office. A sales office can be considered as a subsidiary. Sales offices are assigned to sales areas. If a sales order is entered for a sales office within a certain sales area, the sales office must be assigned to that area. The staff of a sales office may be subdivided into sales groups. For example, sales groups can be defined for individual divisions. Individual personnel master records are used to manage data about salespersons. A sales person can be assigned to a sales group in the personnel master record.
10. What is a one time customer?
Ans: A general customer that is created for those customers for which it do not want to create separate records is called a one time customer. This customer can be reused.
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